Real Life Super Heroes and Villains

all proceeds from this site go to various charities chosen by real life super heroes and villains.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Interview #6: Grim

Please enjoy the first Real Life Super Villain Interview with Grim: 

Me: What ultimately made you become a super villain? 

Grim: Villains have the real fun. Heroes always have a code they stick too, and the villains not so much. Also, I did look into the whole community first before I picked a side, The Rlsv are out numbered but does what they can to expose and bring down the false heroes. We are not against all of the Rlsh just the ones that are in it for all the wrong reasons, or in some cases are just poor examples of a human being to being with.

Me: How did you come up with your name? 

Grim: There are many reasons why I became Grim, one is it was a childhood nickname. But also when I first heard about all of this a couple of friends and I diced to be the horsemen so I am the horsemen of death, but Facebook wouldn’t let me use death as a name. So I became Grim The Reaper.

Me: How did you come up with your costume design? Is there any particular Villain you modeled yourself after?

Grim: I have been told that I look like a knock off of a villain called black mask. I think, if I remember correctly he was a villain in the Batman comics but I wasn’t much of a Batman fan myself. The design I went with is my idea of a "living reaper" is what I like to call it. I just wear dark colors, and I have a skull mask, I wanted to keep it simple.

Me: As a Super Villain what do you do ?

Grim: As a super villain mostly what I do is read about different heroes and villains. I watch the videos, and listen to the internet radio shows. I do all this to find the ones that need to be brought forth to the community and expose them. I do that by writing notes of hate, I also was doing an internet radio show myself where I would interview different members of the rls community. I have a plan to start doing that again in the near future.

Me: Do you ever "fight" with Super Heroes? 

Grim: Yes and no. Most of what the villains do is online. So, yes we get into verbal fights at times, but no real fist fights yet that I know of. There have been a few challenges that I know of but that is all. However, if any real fights were to go down I would put my money on the villain.

Me: What is your most memorable moment as a Super Villain? 

Grim: Hmmm, I would have to say my top 3 are getting kicked off Master Legends radio show, the way people reacted to my a couple of my notes of hate. I think the main one would be my interview with Agent Wraith. 

Me: Do you ever get critisism for being a Super Villain? 

Grim: Eh the most I have gotten is someone going on that I should be a hero instead of a villain, but that’s about it.

Me: Would you encourage more people to be Super Villains instead of Super Heroes? 

Grim: Yes! Like I said before the villains get to have all the fun.

Me: Have you ever encountered a dangerous situation of any sorts?

Grim: I have been in many dangerous situations in my life but none of them had anything to do with the rls community. 

Me: Do you have a certain group or affiliation you belong to? 

Grim: Yes, I am a member of R.O.A.C.H and the LOD. I am more active in R.O.A.C.H but, I can not really get in to what I do with them. 

Me: What advice would you give to new Super Villains? 

Grim: First don’t piss me off, or you might get your own note of hate. Second remember, it's all in fun or at least it should be. And last don’t do anything too stupid. 

Me: Are there any particular Super Heroes you have your "eye on" , so to say? 

Grim: Always. One that I read up on as much as possible is Phoenix Jones, or PJ, as the villains like to call him. Really if it wasn’t for PJ I may have very well been a hero instead. But the more I read about him and his ego the more I hated him.

Me: How do you feel about Super Heroes? 

Grim: Over all I like the idea of them, but sadly too many of these self titled heroes are just over grown egos that need to be put down before one of them goes out and does any real harm to somebody.

Me: Do you have anything you'd like to say in closing to citizens, or future super Villains?

Grim: The only thing I can think of is to say don’t drink the ****ing kool aid, just because someone calls themselves a superhero don’t just buy in to it. Do what you can to find out if this person really deserves that title. And at every step you can challenge them to live up to the title of a superhero. Also, keep in mind if it weren’t for us Rlsv then the streets would be filled with half brain dead idiots calling themselves superheroes.

This has been our very first interview with a Real Life Super Villain, Interview #6 with Grim. I hope you all enjoyed it, and if you'd like to learn more about Grim please follow this link As always, any proceeds made off of adsense on this site go to charity.

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