To start off :) I decided it might be nice to have a breather from all the interviews. I know pretty much all that actually read this blog read it for the interviews, but a break is nice now and then. So if I had to label this particular blog as anything, I would probably put it under gadgets. Now of course there are Real Life Super Heroes that make their own gadgets, but this isn't about them, not today at least. Today I'd like to stray a bit off the path of Real Life Super Heroes and jump to our very favorite Comic Book Super Heroes. Heroes who have no powers, but still succeed in protecting citizens just as well as the next Super Powered Hero.
I'd like to start off with, my personal favorite, Iron Man of course. We all know Tony Stark, the genius who built the suit, a technology that should be way beyond our reach. Generally, that would be true, but of course with any movie like that, lights a spark in our idea engines. Is it actually possible to build a real life Iron Man suit? A little Jarvis built in computerized helmet and all. Well the fact of the matter is, people are already working on that. They do happen to have an exoskeleton that works like the Iron Man suit, for the soldiers. It helps them run faster, lift more weight and even jump higher. That is the easy part if anything. The helmet, well they do have, obviously it is not as high-tech as Tony Stark's is, and sadly no, there is no Jarvis, but the helmets exists, and even without Jarvis, that's still pretty cool. The most difficult thing though, would be his flight stabilizers. First of all, I guess in a sense they are "Jet packs", but so much more advanced than that, i'm sure all Stark fans would concur. Today, we obviously don't have that advanced of technology, we do however have Jet packs, and yes, Jet Packs that can be made to fit shoe wear (Like rocket boots!). However, even though scientists have been working on Jet Packs for years, there haven't been very many successful attempts, and even the ones that have been successful, were only mid air for a few seconds to maybe half a minute. So thinking about flying around as Iron Man did, with the technology we have today in Jet Packs is a bit out of the question...for now at least. If one did happen to want to put a real life working Iron Man suit together though, I think you'd have to be one rich sucker. The total cost of a real life working Iron Man suit is over 100 million dollars! I guess that's why all the good gadgets that comic book super heroes use, belong to the billionaires.
The second person I would like to talk about would be none other than Batman. I'm sure that comes of no surprise, when we thing super heroes and gadgets, everyone thinks Batman.
Between Iron Man and Batman, Batman would definitely be the simpler way to go in the way of gadgets. To start off, lets go simple...the Batarang.
The Batarang, is a simple gadget, and is exactly as it seems. Basically a bat shaped metal boomerang. Of course there are different versions Batman has made of the Batarang but let's stick with the simple.
The fact of the matter is, yes of course this is feasible. Its a metal boomerang! Not that hard to make in real life..but seriously...don't try to make it. Unless you are an expert thrower and catcher, don't even think about doing this. The metal edges of this Batarang would be very sharp, can you imagine trying to catch that thing spinning, god knows how fast, at your head? I think not. Yeah, it's there, it's real, but it's also very very dangerous.
Another good gadget would be the Grapple Gun. The grapple gun, again, simply stated is a grappling hook loaded into a small gun that could fit on Batman's belt. The hook would be shot out of the gun by compressed air and hook onto anything it could at the top of the building, sending Batman shooting up the stories of a building. Well of course there are Grapple guns, but they are nothing like the grapple gun that Batman uses. The line that Batman uses to "climb" up the buildings, is way to thin to actually support him, especially when he swings off the buildings still attached to it. Not to mention the gun itself in real life is no where near that size, a real life Grapple Gun is quite a bit bigger than the belt sized grapple gun Batman has. (There was even a super-hero episode on Myth Buster when they got in on some of this sweet grapple gun action!).
I'm not about to get into every gadget that Batman has, that would take ages, and honestly I wouldn't be surprised If half of you have clicked away from this already. For now though, In conclusion lets move on to the favored and most famous, Batmobile. The best car a nerd could ever wish for <3. This car has gadgets, and weapons coming out the wazoo! This thing has anywhere from machine guns and jet engines, to auto-pilot and oil slick nozzles. I guess the people of Gothem City should be pretty thankful that this guy is on their side and not against them. Obviously, many of these things attached to this wonderful car are plausible. An oil slick nozzle could easily be built in, even machine guns could. I'd say the trickiest part of anything on the Batmobile would be the jet engines. It is very feasible to put a Jet engine on the back of your car, is it safe or smart? No, not really, definitely no...did I mention no? Unless you are an expert at driving a car that is going to be going up to 800 miles an hour, I'd say stay away from your death bed. That's why it's in a movie, and not in real life. As for the auto-pilot, I'm sure many of us know, they are already in the making of cars that drive them selves, so that's not to far off in the future anyway. Thumbs of for a future working Batmoblile then?
None of the Batman gadgets would be cheap, easy to manufacture, or safe, but they sure are cool. Just remember, not only were these men rich, they also had combat training. Batman didn't just go out into the streets and say "Oh hey guys, I'm gonna throw this Batarang thing at your face now 'Kay?". No, he has had extensive training and knows what he is doing.
There are so many other Comic Book Super Heroes that are quite famous, and don't have any super powers, but I think we will get to that another time. Thanks for reading my slight rant on Comic Book Super Hero gadgets, and I hope you enjoyed a small break from all the interviews. If you have any comments or suggestions please drop a message :). Remember all proceeds made from adsense on this site go to charity!
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