Real Life Super Heroes and Villains

all proceeds from this site go to various charities chosen by real life super heroes and villains.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Interview #5: Hazmat CitizenCrusader

Me: What ultimately made you become a Super Hero?

Hazmat: I like to help people and stop bad guys and I think its fun to dress-up.

Me: How did you come up with your name?

Hazmat: I chose it because I am the one who will embrace the things society wants to avoid. Where others are uncomfortable and look the other way, I stride boldly.

That or I didnt have a superhero name and asked some friends on an RLSH forum for some suggestions and Hazmat got the most votes.

Me: How did you come up with your costume design? Is there any particular super hero you modeled yourself after?

Hazmat: Green is my favorite color and black compliments green well. So I went with those together.

My look isnt modeled after any particular superhero.

Me: As a Super Hero, what do you do?

Hazmat: My area has a really large police force so there is little actual street crime. Therefore our team puts its focus on homeless outreach and charity events. We are also getting ready to do some shelter refurbishment for homeless with children. We do participate in crime prevention patrols but to a lesser extent because there isnt a great deal of need here.

Me: Have you ever had a run-in with the police? If so, what did you do?

Hazmat: Nope. 

Me: How many nights a week do you actually get out there?

Hazmat: As often as time will allow but I dont think I have ever gone more than two weeks straight without putting boots on the street.

Me: What is your most memorable moment as a Super Hero?

Hazmat: I would say "coming out of the phone booth" to my parents. it was a strange fifteen minutes to say the least.

Me: Would you encourage more people to become Super Heroes?

Hazmat: Only if they thought it would be a fun thing to do. There is absolutely nothing I do as a "Cape" that I cant and dont do in plain cloths. The effort and the resources are for others. The gimmick is for me. So if someone thought it sounded like a good time, yes I would encourage it. 

Me: Have you ever encountered a dangerous situation? If yes, what did you do ?

Hazmat: I have not encountered anything I thought was really dangerous to me while in costume. Situations that could be and were dangerous to others yes. But not to me personally.

Me: Do you have a certain group or affiliation you belong to?

Hazmat: I am part of the C-4 team. C-4 stands for Cherry City Citizen Crusaders.

Me: What advice would you give to a new Super Hero?

Hazmat: Have fun. Take the work serious. Take the danger serious. Dont take yourself too serious.

Me: How do you feel about the Super villains?

Hazmat: Like any other group they have their good and bad elements. When the villains are doing their job they act as a sounding board and feedback system for the Capes that are out there trying to do some good. Then there are a few that are just haters and want to tell people what they can or cant call themselves or just be generally negative or overly preachy because they are judgmental and angry little people.

For the most part I have found the villains to be a fun addition to this strange subculture.

Me: Do you have a "arch-nemesis"?

Hazmat: No.

Me: Do you have anything you'd like to say to citizens, or future Super Heroes?

Hazmat: Stay Strong & Be Safe.

As always, thank you for reading the interview with Hazmat CitizenCrusader. If you would like to learn more about him you can find him at Hazmatcc's Facebook.  All proceeds made off of adsense on this site are donated to charities.

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